General terms and conditions

for organizing activities at Thuis

We're glad you're interested in organizing an activity at Thuis! We want everything to go smoothly, so we've established some conditions. Please read these carefully before confirming your reservation.

Our vision

1. At Thuis, we welcome activities with a social purpose, that bring different groups of people together, make Wageningen more lively, or contribute to talent development and knowledge sharing. Looking for a place for a private party such as a PhD celebration or birthday? Then we advise you to choose another location in Wageningen.

Joint responsibility

2. Thuis is a shared space where we together ensure a pleasant atmosphere. Please consider other users who may be present at the same time.

Sustainability first

3. We encourage the use of our crockery. If you still want to use disposable crockery, please prefer non-plastic options.

Respect for the environment

4. We take our neighbors into account. Therefore, pay attention to the noise level, both inside and outside. Activities should take place indoors after 9:00 PM without loud conversations outside.

Open and close Thuis independently

5. Outside opening hours, you are responsible for opening and closing Thuis. Come by during opening hours for an explanation and to pick up the key.

6. If you have not picked up the key and someone from Thuis has to come, we will charge €25.

7. Keys not returned will result in a bill of €300 for replacing the lock.


8. Normally, Thuis is not liable for damage or loss of your material. Should there be liability, it is limited to the amount our insurer pays out.

9. Report defects in the rented property immediately. Damage due to negligence is not our responsibility, unless we have not remedied the defect in time.

After the activity

10. After the event, you are responsible for cleaning and tidying up the space you have used, including the toilets and corridor. If this is not done correctly, we will charge cleaning costs.

11. Put all used materials (incl. furniture) back in the same place.

Rules and guidelines

12. Selling food and/or drinks is not allowed.

13. Keep alcohol consumption moderate. Strong liquor (>15%) is not allowed.

14. Pets are not welcome.

15. If you collect data from participants, ensure the protection of this privacy-sensitive information such as photos or email addresses yourself.

16. Ensure a trained first aider is present at activities outside opening hours.

17. Use only the furniture in the rented space, unless agreed otherwise.

18. Activities must end by 11:00 PM at the latest.

Cancellation policy

19. If you cancel up to 14 days before the date, we will charge €25 in administration fees. If you cancel within 14 days before the activity, 50% of the room costs will be charged. In case of no-show or cancellation on the day itself, the full room costs will be charged. Make sure your target group is informed of a cancellation in time. In case of force majeure, costs can be waived, this at the discretion of the administrator of Thuis.

20. By working together and taking these conditions into account, we ensure a pleasant and responsible environment at Thuis. We look forward to your activity!

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